Przenośny namiot do zabawy dla dzieci Teepee

1.312,00 NOK 984,00 NOK
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Frequently Both Togher:

Teepee Play tent for Kids | Nordic White Quality Tipi Tent Made of 100% Cotton Canvas for Indoor or Outdoor Use Przenośny namiot do zabawy dla dzieci Teepee - Hvit
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Subtotal: 11.010,00 kr 9.326,00 kr

Rozbudź wyobraźnię swojego dziecka dzięki naszemu przenośnemu namiotowi tipi dla dzieci w stylu skandynawskim i nordyckim! To jest nasze duże tipi pod względem wielkości i funkcjonalności. Nasze przenośne tipi dla dzieci oferują dużo miejsca i solidną ramę wykonaną w 100% z certyfikowanego, neutralnego pod względem emisji dwutlenku węgla płótna bawełnianego i drewna sosnowego. W namiocie zmieści się wygodnie trójka lub czwórka dzieci.

Nasz namiot tipi jest idealny na przyjęcia urodzinowe, noclegi, zabawy w pojedynkę oraz zajęcia zarówno w pomieszczeniach, jak i na świeżym powietrzu (ps. Nie zapomnij o zabawnej latarce, takiej jak latarnia LED lub lampka nocna)

Przenośny namiot do zabawy Teepee promuje niezależność dzieci, co może pomóc rodzicom rozwijać poczucie samodzielności i pewności siebie u swoich dzieci.

Zalety naszego przenośnego namiotu Tipi

  • Tworzy bezpieczne, przytulne środowisko do wczesnego samodzielnego odkrywania i rozwoju
  • Promuje zdrową wyobraźnię
  • Zapewnia czyste płótno, które można ozdobić i dostosować tak, aby wyrażało osobowość Twojego malucha (dekorowane akcesoria nie są dołączone) 
  • Promuje niezależność, pewność siebie i samodzielność
  • Kieszeń do przechowywania wewnątrz namiotu na książeczki i zabawki
  • Zamykane przednie klapy zapewniające dzieciom przestrzeń osobistą
  • Wbudowane okno zapewniające świeże powietrze i światło wewnątrz namiotu
  • Można nosić wszędzie dzięki przenośnemu uchwytowi i lekkiej konstrukcji
  •  Gruby, trwały materiał z wysokiej jakości szwami
  • Słupki z litego drewna sosnowego
  • Łatwy w montażu
  • Oparte na filozofii edukacji Montessori


Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Jessica Balcam
Amazing quality!

The teepee is exactly as pictured, but you can’t really tell how high quality it is until you see it! The fabric is so thick and soft and all the materials used are high quality. It took me less than 10 minutes to install. Toddler loves it! We all do :).

Elisha V.
Exactly as described

Easy to set up. Pretty good size. My 5 year old daughter loves it

Elnaz and Zack Johnson

Kids Teepee Play Tent

ruth c.


mary b.
Teepee play tent - wonderful!

I ordered a similar tent from Amazon for my granddaughter for Christmas. It never came so I finally gave up and ordered this one. I’m so glad I did - It’s very attractive, so easy to put together, and she LOVES it! It came quickly when they said it would. Buy it you’ll be very happy you did!

Age Range

Anbefalt for barn mellom 18 måneder og 10 år


Skaper et trygt, koselig miljø for tidlig selvutforskning og utvikling
Fremmer en sunn fantasi
Gir et tomt lerret som kan dekoreres og tilpasses for å uttrykke din lille persons personlighet
Fremmer uavhengighet, selvtillit og selvtillit


Oppbevaringslomme inne i teltet for lekebøker og leker
Lukkbare frontklaffer som tilbyr barna sitt eget personlige rom
Innebygd vindu for å tillate frisk luft inne i teltet
Kan bæres hvor som helst takket være en bærbar, lett design
Tykt slitesterkt stoff med sømmer av høy kvalitet
Staver av massiv furu
Enkel å montere
Basert på Montessori utdanningsfilosofi

What's Included

Bomullspose for enkel transport og oppbevaring


Lengde: 120cm / 47.2" | Bredde: 120cm / 47.2" | Høyde: 180cm / 70.9" | Innvendig høyde: 140cm / 55.1"


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Our toys have a genuine European CE marking (EN 71-1: 2014, Toy safety) and are made from natural wood. They are 100 percent non-toxic and safe for babies and toddlers.

We take safety very seriously. Everything we make is designed with it in mind. With us, you can trust in your child's safety.

Our goal is to provide a safe, fun environment while encouraging kids to move, explore, and learn. For this reason, we design our equipment with the physical capabilities of children in mind, so they are challenged but not placed in any danger.

Lifetime Warranty

When it comes to baby & toddler products, trust is absolutely essential and we stand behind our products. We can guarantee our products' quality, safety and spare parts for life.

Please note: Our warranties cover only individuals, not companies or any other industrial purposes.

Shipping & Taxes

We do our best to ship your orders as quickly as possible and offer free shipping within Norway. Additionally, we provide special delivery rates to other countries. You can find the delivery rates to your country during the checkout process.

We fully cover any taxes for orders shipped to Norway. For international shipments, please be aware that there may be duties, taxes, or customs clearance fees that could be charged based on your jurisdiction.

Click here to view our shipping & taxes policy.

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Frequently Bought Together

Total price:4.281,00 kr

Customer Reviews

Based on 24 reviews
Jessica Balcam
Amazing quality!

The teepee is exactly as pictured, but you can’t really tell how high quality it is until you see it! The fabric is so thick and soft and all the materials used are high quality. It took me less than 10 minutes to install. Toddler loves it! We all do :).

Elisha V.
Exactly as described

Easy to set up. Pretty good size. My 5 year old daughter loves it

Elnaz and Zack Johnson

Kids Teepee Play Tent

ruth c.


mary b.
Teepee play tent - wonderful!

I ordered a similar tent from Amazon for my granddaughter for Christmas. It never came so I finally gave up and ordered this one. I’m so glad I did - It’s very attractive, so easy to put together, and she LOVES it! It came quickly when they said it would. Buy it you’ll be very happy you did!